If you are considering investing in stocks, you should first decide whether you are a short-term trader or a long-term investor . Once you have determined this, you will need to choose very carefully which strategy you will apply in your daily trading routine.
For the majority of stock investors who are looking for profits over a long period of time, long-term investments may be the answer. The choice of long-term investments allows better risk management. Long-term investments can be a little more predictable and require less management than others.
For some yield-seeking investors, short-term trading can be an enticing idea, but it can be very risky. This method of trading requires a slightly different approach to standard stock investing. In order to make sure you start off on the right foot, we advise you to research the basics of stock trading, as well as reviewing some of the risks newbie traders take.
If you’re ready to take the first step, we’ll walk you through the basics of short-term trading.
Choose the right actions
Some investors can indeed spot stocks with good long-term potential, but it can be a bit more difficult to identify stocks with short-term promise.
Many experienced traders are known to never hold their stocks for longer than a day, so being able to spot and predict short-term moves is essential. They also tend to choose the most well-known and stable sectors to trade with.
Here are some good rules for spotting stocks with good short-term potential:
The moving average of a particular security can indicate its potential. If its value increases exponentially, it could be a good candidate for a short-term investment. Similarly, a security whose moving average is stabilizing may be a good candidate for short selling, but that depends on the case by case.
It is important for investors to research market cycles. Certain times of the year can be known to be a particularly flat month, while other months can see gains. This type of cycle is virtually invisible to the long-term investor, but is important for short-term trading.
Another very valuable element is the understanding and knowledge of the market trend . For example, it is not advisable to go against the grain when everyone is selling (and vice versa).
Technical analysis
It is important to recognize that the outcome of short-term trading is often based on detailed technical analysis of potential actions. This is something that is easily overlooked by beginners.
The reality is that the market will take into account all the factors that will affect a security very quickly, before traders can even realize it. Results largely depend on observing patterns in a stock’s performance that other traders may have missed.
Technical analysis is a solid way to formalize this strategy . Traders apply a repeatable set of principles that help spot trends that might otherwise be overlooked. For example, the smartphone market is booming, but this trend varies greatly from company to company. A technical analysis can reveal these trends and help the trader in his approach.